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Home > Tools > Security > Security Overview

Security ManagementThere are a number of different security settings for this site. These are maintained using the pages detailed in the summary below.Save PostingManage the security for the site. You are able to set the privilidges for the channels on this site.04/10/2005 21:17:33/cms/cms.asp?page=/TripDownUnder/Tools/Security/

Security Management
04/10/2005 21:17:33

There are a number of different security settings for this site. These are maintained using the pages detailed in the summary below.

Channel Security ManagementThis is where you set the privlidges that each user has for the various section of the website. Very much unused on the site.Save PostingThis is where you set the privlidges that each user has for the various section of the website. Very much unused on the site.04/10/2005 21:19:06/cms/cms.asp?page=/TripDownUnder/Tools/Security/Channel Security
Channel Security Management
This is where you set the privlidges that each user has for the various section of the website. Very much unused on the site.



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