Offshore in India 27/07/2024 03:29:31
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Trip to Goa
Trip to Delhi
Trip to The Resort
Trip to Matheran

Home > Trips Away > Overview

Trips AwayGiven that I'm about 5000 miles away from the UK, it only seems right that I try and see some other parts of India while I am here. <BR><BR> There were three main trips away with my work colleagues from the UK. We went to the beach in Goa, to the Capital Delhi and a hill station in Matheran. I also went on two picnics with the IDC team - one to The Resort Hotel and then to Kumar Resort to play on the slide and dance in the rain. <BR><BR> Check the photos out from the trips to places such as Goa.Save PostingPhotos from trips around India whilst working away in Mumbai.23/01/2005 09:55:30/cms/cms.asp?page=/OffshoreInIndia/Trips Away/

Trips Away
23/01/2005 09:55:30

Given that I'm about 5000 miles away from the UK, it only seems right that I try and see some other parts of India while I am here.

There were three main trips away with my work colleagues from the UK. We went to the beach in Goa, to the Capital Delhi and a hill station in Matheran. I also went on two picnics with the IDC team - one to The Resort Hotel and then to Kumar Resort to play on the slide and dance in the rain.

Check the photos out from the trips to places such as Goa.



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