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Home > Tools > Whats New

What's new on the siteThe section allows you to search for what pages have been recently added or modified on the site on a channel basis. <BR><BR> Select the channel you wish to search from the drop down list below and click on the Go! button. This will return a list of the new pages. To be more specific specify how many days you would like to search back over from the second drop down.Save PostingThe section allows you to search for what pages have been recently added or modified on the site on a channel basis.08/12/2003 21:40:15/cms/cms.asp?page=/OffshoreInIndia/Tools/WhatsNew

What's new on the site
08/12/2003 21:40:15

The section allows you to search for what pages have been recently added or modified on the site on a channel basis.

Select the channel you wish to search from the drop down list below and click on the Go! button. This will return a list of the new pages. To be more specific specify how many days you would like to search back over from the second drop down.

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