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- Miscellaneous - Part One
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Home > Gallery > The office > Miscellaneous - Part One

Office Photos - Part OneThe office is situated in ...... in the middle of an Industrial park. As told there are no windows in the building, unless you count the tiny ones in the toilets. Here is the first collection of images captured around and about the office.Miscellaneous pictures of the Accenture office in xxxxx.hjjhjh26/07/2004 19:17:50/cms/cms.asp?page=/OffshoreInIndia/Gallery/The Office/Miscellaneous - Part Onesupporting/offshoreinindia/photos/office/food1.jpgAnother 25 Rupee lunchtimeThis is the standard lunch that the canteen serves. It costs a total of 25 Rupees and always consists of some sort of dahl....supporting/offshoreinindia/photos/office/office1.jpg View of the inside of the Centrica Area. The Centrica project has its own area in the office which you need a special pass to get into. This is to cover us for all the details under the DPA act. Here Michael and Adam look down the environments area.

Office Photos - Part One
26/07/2004 19:17:50

The office is situated in ...... in the middle of an Industrial park. As told there are no windows in the building, unless you count the tiny ones in the toilets. Here is the first collection of images captured around and about the office.

Another 25 Rupee lunchtime

This is the standard lunch that the canteen serves. It costs a total of 25 Rupees and always consists of some sort of dahl....

 View of the inside of the Centrica Area.

The Centrica project has its own area in the office which you need a special pass to get into. This is to cover us for all the details under the DPA act. Here Michael and Adam look down the environments area.



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