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Hollyford TrackHollyford Track (80km) leads the walker from the sheer rock walls of the Darren Mountains down to the sand dunes of the Tasman Sea at Martins Bay. <BR><BR> Experience the splended isolation of the Fiordland bush, the bustling energy of the Hollyford River and the sand and windswept beauty of Martins Bay.Save PostingHollyford Track (80km) leads the walker from the sheer rock walls of the Darren Mountains down to the sand dunes of the Tasman Sea at Martins Bay. 03/10/2005 10:50:27/cms/cms.asp?page=/TripDownUnder/Queenstown/Hollyford Track/

Hollyford Track
03/10/2005 10:50:27

Hollyford Track (80km) leads the walker from the sheer rock walls of the Darren Mountains down to the sand dunes of the Tasman Sea at Martins Bay.

Experience the splended isolation of the Fiordland bush, the bustling energy of the Hollyford River and the sand and windswept beauty of Martins Bay.