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Home > Tools > Least Viewed Pages

Least Viewed PagesThis page shows details of the least viewed pages on the site. This is likely to be the newest pages on the site but can give a slight insight into what is not being viewed on the site.Save PostingThis page shows details of the least viewed pages on the site. This is likely to be the newest pages on the site but can give a slight insight into what is not being viewed on the site.08/08/2003 16:23:30/cms/cms.asp?page=/BryanDavison/Tools/Least Viewed

Least Viewed Pages
08/08/2003 16:23:30

This page shows details of the least viewed pages on the site. This is likely to be the newest pages on the site but can give a slight insight into what is not being viewed on the site.

Channel Security Management (977 views, last view 26/07/2024 09:31:05)
To allow different groups access to the site, the channel need to be configured to allow them access. All security is done through channels and groups.

Page Not Found (1096 views, last view 22/07/2024 09:17:39)
The page you are looking for the site does not exist. This page may have been removed or you may have typed the URL in incorrectly.

Access Denied (1098 views, last view 26/07/2024 00:43:33)
This page is shown when a user attempts to access a section of the site that they do not have the correct privilidges for.

Example Old News (1182 views, last view 25/07/2024 08:05:17)
This is an example of an archived news item.

Security Overview (1254 views, last view 26/07/2024 13:34:48)
Manage the security for the site. You are able to set the privilidges for the channels on this site.

News Story 3 (1372 views, last view 16/07/2024 06:16:42)
Thfdjhdj jhfj dhf fuhf jhf uehfjdf hdgf dh gfhdg hd hd fhd ghgdfdfhghgh fdhg fd gfd fhgd dsgf sdgfhg dh fhsdgfhjsdgflsg fhg fhsgdf g jd gjf.

Slide Show Gallery (1386 views, last view 26/07/2024 19:53:07)
The slideshow gallery shows a single image per page but the user does not have to scroll, it happens automatically! Truelly wonderful.

Single Page Gallery (1411 views, last view 26/07/2024 16:50:35)
The single page gallery shows each image one after another. The visitor scrolls downwards to view the additional images.

Multi Page Gallery (1414 views, last view 27/07/2024 08:34:56)
The multi page gallery shows a single image per page and the user scrolls through them by using the next and previous picture buttons.

Site Map (1457 views, last view 27/07/2024 05:13:29)
An alternative to the search you can select the letter you wish to view and a list of the associated pages will be shown.



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