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Slide Show GalleryThe slideshow gallery shows a single image per page but the user does not have to scroll, it happens automatically! Truelly wonderful.The slideshow gallery shows a single image per page but the user does not have to scroll, it happens automatically! Truelly wonderful.2supporting/asamplesite/images/placeholder/120x88.gif04/10/2005 17:48:43/cms/cms.asp?page=/ASampleSite/Photo Gallery/Slide Show Gallery0supporting/asamplesite/images/placeholder/240x180.gifPlaceholder ImageFirst Image in the Slide Show 1 supporting/asamplesite/images/placeholder/240x180.gif Placeholder image Second Image in the Slide Show

Slide Show Gallery
04/10/2005 17:48:43

The slideshow gallery shows a single image per page but the user does not have to scroll, it happens automatically! Truelly wonderful.

Placeholder Image

First Image in the Slide Show

 Placeholder image

Second Image in the Slide Show



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