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Photo GalleryA selection of images, currently one only set but may grow in the future.Save PostingSelection of images sorted into a gallery.21/05/2003 23:49:58/cms/cms.asp?page=/BryanDavison/Photo Gallery/

Photo Gallery
21/05/2003 23:49:58

A selection of images, currently one only set but may grow in the future.

Multi Page GalleryThe multi page gallery shows a single image per page and the user scrolls through them by using the next and previous picture buttons.The multi page gallery shows a single image per page and the user scrolls through them by using the next and previous picture buttons.2supporting/asamplesite/images/placeholder/120x88.gif04/10/2005 17:48:00/cms/cms.asp?page=/ASampleSite/Photo Gallery/Multi Page Gallery0supporting/asamplesite/images/placeholder/120x88.gifPlaceholder ImageThis is the first image in the gallery. 1 supporting/asamplesite/images/placeholder/240x180.gif Placeholder Image This is the first image in the gallery.
Single Page GalleryThe single page gallery shows each image one after another. The visitor scrolls downwards to view the additional images.The single page gallery shows each image one after another. The visitor scrolls downwards to view the additional images.supporting/asamplesite/images/placeholder/120x88.gif04/10/2005 17:48:22/cms/cms.asp?page=/ASampleSite/Photo Gallery/Single Page Gallerysupporting/asamplesite/images/placeholder/240x180.gifPlaceholder image (240x180)This is a sample placeholder image supporting/asamplesite/images/placeholder/120x88.gif Placeholder image (120x88) This is a smaller placeholder image supporting/asamplesite/images/placeholder/240x180.gif Placeholder image (240x180) Another large placeholder image to complete the set.
Slide Show GalleryThe slideshow gallery shows a single image per page but the user does not have to scroll, it happens automatically! Truelly wonderful.The slideshow gallery shows a single image per page but the user does not have to scroll, it happens automatically! Truelly wonderful.2supporting/asamplesite/images/placeholder/120x88.gif04/10/2005 17:48:43/cms/cms.asp?page=/ASampleSite/Photo Gallery/Slide Show Gallery0supporting/asamplesite/images/placeholder/240x180.gifPlaceholder ImageFirst Image in the Slide Show 1 supporting/asamplesite/images/placeholder/240x180.gif Placeholder image Second Image in the Slide Show
Multi Page Gallery
The multi page gallery shows a single image per page and the user scrolls through them by using the next and previous picture buttons.

Single Page Gallery
The single page gallery shows each image one after another. The visitor scrolls downwards to view the additional images.

Slide Show Gallery
The slideshow gallery shows a single image per page but the user does not have to scroll, it happens automatically! Truelly wonderful.



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